NHK brought a prototype 33 megapixel, 8K Super Hi-Vision projection system to the auditoriums of CommunicASIA. Using a pair of LCoS projectors, NHK threw 7,680 x 4,320 pixels illuminated at 8,000 lumens onto a screen measuring 6.6 x 3.7 meters. The images were recorded from a prototype 8K studio camera.Our take:
Our take:
We've seen a number of installations that used a couple of LCoS projectors and some snazzy software to blend multiple displays together into one giant, but the definition provided by this 'screen' is certainly higher. That's not typically the first priority in digital signage installations, of course. We tend to value brightness and contrast over pure resolution for the simple facts that a) fine details are lost on most people standing more than a few feet away, and b) most people aren't looking that closely at digital signs in the first place to bother noticing such details.