- Patrons spent an average of 32 minutes in the dining areas with a screen.
- 85% of diners noticed either the promotional digital board located at the order counter and/or the screen(s) in the dining area.
- 90% of customers that noticed the dining area screens said they spent "some" or almost all of their time watching.
- 65% of those who noticed the screens could successfully recall at least one of the advertisers on an aided basis.
- For individual brands, average recall was 25%.
- 57% said they were more likely to purchase a product or service after seeing it featured on the screens.
- 68% gave a score of “4′ (like) or “5′ (really like) when rating reaction to the screens.
- About half of teenagers (ages 14-17) gave a “5′ rating.
- 72% of all surveyed agreed the screens promote a “cool” or “cutting edge” image for the restaurant.
- 43% of dining-area viewers said they liked (a “4′ or “5′ rating) the programming.
- News/human interest stories and TV shows/movie clips were the most popular forms of programming content - 51% and 50%, respectively, of restaurant customers said they “like” or “really like” them.

Most surprising was the fact that people wanted to watch the news while eating (or waiting) at a QSR. In many cases we find that such content doesn't perform a real function in retail digital signage deployments, however in a QSR setting where people are often dining alone, catching a quick bite or simply waiting on line, the availability of this kind of non-commercial distraction makes more sense.