Avocent Corp. initiated a plan to enhance competitiveness, improve efficiency, and reduce the company's cost structure by reducing the workforce and consolidating actions, company officials said. Among the changes, Avocent intends to sell the portion of its entrepreneurial Connectivity and Controls business unit dedicated to its pro AV and Equinox products.Our take:
Who knew that Avocent even had other lines of business besides their pro AV and Equinox (long-range connector) product lines? Not us. But apparently LanDesk (who knew that was even still in use??) is a higher margin business for them, so we can't blame them for trying to ditch their under-performing business units. The question now, is, will anybody purchase and continue to market the line of video-over-CAT5 and other products that so many digital signage installations have used? Avocent's products were definitely in the top-3 with regard to price and quality, and we will miss the competition and lower costs that they were always able to bring to our customers.