Queue Management, Kiosks, and Digital Signage - WireSpring
people waiting in a line

Virtual Queuing
with FireCast SmartFlow

Eliminate long lines. Keep visitors informed.

Manage walk-in traffic, schedule appointments, and improve customer service by letting visitors wait in line... without actually waiting in line.


Software and Cloud Services for Digital Signage and IoT


The FireCast Product Line

From digital signs and ticket kiosks to beverage dispensers and parking meters, many of the devices that you interact with are managed and monitored remotely. For more than two decades, WireSpring's software platform has enabled companies to design and deploy large networks of connected devices and manage them from the cloud.

FireCast EasyStart is the affordable and easy-to-use solution for projects with just a few digital signs or kiosks, or when you don't need centralized management. It's also perfect for standalone display networks and in-house digital menu boards.

FireCast Enterprise provides a centralized CMS, on-the-fly reporting, and advanced customization for large networks of digital signs. Remotely control the content on one screen or thousands, right from your web browser. Schedule media playback, integrate live video feeds, and get status updates right from the cloud -- or your own premise-hosted server.

FireCast M2M Edition provides highly scalable, cloud-hosted device management, content management, application management, and on-the-fly reporting for networks of connected devices. It's ideal for adding remote control, monitoring, centralized data collection, and graphical user interface capabilities to your machine-to-machine and Internet of Things (IoT) projects.

FireCast SmartFlow enables your customers to join a first-come, first-served virtual queue or book an appointment online. Plus, your on-site staff can manage visitor flows in real time from their web browsers.